Verify that your operating system is supported by the driver.For LabVIEW versions earlier than 7.0, USB 2.0 cameras are not supported.For LabVIEW 7.0 through LabVIEW 8.0, verify that you have downloaded and installed the NI-IMAQ for the USB Cameras driver.Also, see Vision Acquisition Software Downloads to download an evaluation version of this driver. Please see the Vision Acquisition Software Product Page to purchase the software license. USB 2.0 devices are supported by IMAQdx 3.4 or later. For LabVIEW 8.2 or later, verify that you have the latest version of the NI-IMAQdx driver installed and activated.NI drivers for USB 2.0 devices use the DirectShow interface of the manufacturer's device driver to communicate with the device. The manufacturer's device driver must be installed.
If not all attributes are available through the DirectShow programmatic API then only those available will be accessible with the NI-IMAQdx. Attributes need to be available through the DirectShow programmatic API in order to be accessed by the IMAQdx driver. Note: You must log in as an administrator or have administrator privileges in Windows to install any NI software and hardware.